When I make a point graph in excel, some of my data points are positioned
exactly on top of each other.
That's a problem, because my winter data has the same value as my summer
data. But now I can not see whether my summer data is hidden behind my winter
data or that maybe my summer data is altogether flawed and not in my graph at
Of course I can use different markers for both data types, but I'd rather
use an offset option or something like that.
I use Excel 2003
exactly on top of each other.
That's a problem, because my winter data has the same value as my summer
data. But now I can not see whether my summer data is hidden behind my winter
data or that maybe my summer data is altogether flawed and not in my graph at
Of course I can use different markers for both data types, but I'd rather
use an offset option or something like that.
I use Excel 2003