Data Matching




I have a question. I have two sets of data - one large and one small. The
large one has metadata, and the small one fits entirely inside the large one.
I need to separate out the metadata from the large set for just the entries
in the small set. For example, say I have these three columns:

abc 123 123
bcd 234 567
cde 456 678
def 567 901
efg 678 012
fgh 789
ghi 890
hij 901
ijk 012
jkl 321
klm 432

Where column A is the metadata, column B is the large set, and column C is
the small set. I want to create another column (or two columns) that match
the data in column C with that in column A. So the output that I want looks
like this:

abc 123
def 567
efg 678
hij 901
ijk 012

In other words, I want the metadata from column A to match with the data in
column C. I can't just do a sort, because column C is missing some numbers.
Does anyone have any thoughts for how to do this?

Thanks for your help,

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