Data mismatch criteria error ?



I have a really simple VBA code, and I have a "Data mismatch criteria
error" that I have no idea why it occurs. I have a table "MyTable"
where all the fields are text. When I run the code, it errors on the
last line when I set rs. I think this is because of the CurrentDb. I
have another error like this with another function, and I am not sure
why this occurs.

Your help would be appreciated. I also tried docmd.execute(mySQLstr),
which also doesn't work. What is the difference?

Private Sub cmdFindRecords_Click()
MySQLStr = "SELECT MyTable.* FROM MyTable WHERE ("

If Not IsNull(Me.Field1) Then
MySQLStr = MySQLStr & " ((MyTable.Field1) ='" &
[Forms]![MySearchForm]![Field1] & "') And"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Field2) Then
MySQLStr = MySQLStr & " ((MyTable.Field2) ='" &
[Forms]![MySearchForm]![Field2] & "') And"
End If

End If

MySQLStr = MySQLStr & "((MyTable.Field1) > ''));"

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQLStr)

Allen Browne

You don't show the declaration line for rs, but try adding this line to the
top of your procedure:
Dim rs AS DAO.Recordset

If that fails also, you probably need to add a reference to:
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library
It's no the Tools menu, under References.

More info on references here:

Allen Browne

You also asked about the difference between OpenRecordset and Execute.

OpenRecordset() is like an ordinary SELECT query, except that you don't see
the results in a query window. Instead, they exist only in memory, where you
can walk through the records, and examine or edit the fields.

Execute works like an action query (Append/Delete/Update/Make Table.) When
you run one of these queries you don't see any results: just information
about what records were changed. WIth DoCmd, you can use RunSQL, but not
Execute. For more info on the difference between RunSQL and Execute, see:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Allen Browne said:
You don't show the declaration line for rs, but try adding this line to
the top of your procedure:
Dim rs AS DAO.Recordset

If that fails also, you probably need to add a reference to:
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Library
It's no the Tools menu, under References.

More info on references here:

I have a really simple VBA code, and I have a "Data mismatch criteria
error" that I have no idea why it occurs. I have a table "MyTable"
where all the fields are text. When I run the code, it errors on the
last line when I set rs. I think this is because of the CurrentDb. I
have another error like this with another function, and I am not sure
why this occurs.

Your help would be appreciated. I also tried docmd.execute(mySQLstr),
which also doesn't work. What is the difference?

Private Sub cmdFindRecords_Click()
MySQLStr = "SELECT MyTable.* FROM MyTable WHERE ("

If Not IsNull(Me.Field1) Then
MySQLStr = MySQLStr & " ((MyTable.Field1) ='" &
[Forms]![MySearchForm]![Field1] & "') And"
End If
If Not IsNull(Me.Field2) Then
MySQLStr = MySQLStr & " ((MyTable.Field2) ='" &
[Forms]![MySearchForm]![Field2] & "') And"
End If

End If

MySQLStr = MySQLStr & "((MyTable.Field1) > ''));"

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQLStr)

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