Data missing in PA cube




I am in the midst of implementing Project Server for a client and have
encountered a rather strange problem. Here is what has happened.

1) I have been generating cubes for a few weeks now with no problems.
Please note that I am using the Bogdanov & Associates Portfolio Analyzer
Extender product to extend the cube functionality.
2) I created a more robust sample plan for the purpose of demonstrating
something for the client. There is nothing exotic in the plan. The only
thing I have done that I had not done in any previous plans is include some
local generic resources.
3) At first I encountered errors trying to rebuild the cube. Another post
in this forum helped me figure out what was going on (sort of). To fix the
problem, I recreated the plan from scratch more carefully.
4) Now the cube builds without errors, but... There is no data in the cube
at all! All of the expected dimensions and measures show up, but there is no
data. The data is even missing for the other project I had in place before
creating the one referenced above, which always showed up fine before.


Thanks in advance,

Marc S.


have tried deleting the cube in the Analysis Manager? This will build the
cube completely from scratch. Maybe you also want to run a truncate query in
Enterprise Manager to truncate the MSP_CUBE_ASSN_FACT,
MSP_CUBE_RES_AVAIL_FACT and MSP_CUBE_TIME_BY_DAY tables. I once had a similar
problem that was solved with these steps.



Thanks very much for the suggestions. It seems that deleting the cube did
the trick. In fact, there is an option in the B&A Portfolio Analyzer
Extender (PAE) to delete the cube and restore the roles each time a new cube
is built. This seems to have solved the problem.

However, as an FYI to others... It seems as though the option in the PAE
product for adding local resources to the cube is not sound. With this
option checked, I noticed that the data in the standard Cost measure for any
project that actually uses local resources is inaccurate. The number you get
is the cost WITHOUT inclusion of cost for tasks with local resources
assigned. This seems very bizarre to me, but I have been able to reproduce
it consistently. When I uncheck the option and rebuild the cube, the cost
data is once again accurate...


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