Just multiply the value by 100:
Note that you must multiply it by 100 *before* formatting. If you multiply
the formatted value by 100 you'll end up with a number again, with the two
trailing zeros but not the leading zeros.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
Jen Scott said:
Thanks for your help ---
One thing I forgot to mention that might make it more difficult -- if I also
need to append 2 zeros at the end of every row -- how would I do that?
Jen Scott
Ken Sheridan said:
Export it as text by means of the Format function, so in a query from which
the data is to be exported you'd put something like the following in the
'field' row of a blank column in the design grid:
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
I need to take a field where the data is different lengths and export it out
as all the same length by putting zeros in front of the data.
ie. 1234, 123, 98766875 need to look like this when exported: