I am having difficulty with normalizing data. I am creating a client call
center database. Currently, when a call comes in from a Client Contact, the
users enter information regarding the Member’s issue on a data entry form.
The users can resolve certain issues themselves, but may need the additional
help of the Services Department. The users click on a button on the form and
open a new Services Form with the some of the data populated from the data
entry form. Additional fields on the Services Form are required to be
completed before handing over the issue to the Services Department.
A Client Contact may call in many times for issues regarding Members.
There may be several Client Contacts for a client. Some Client Contacts are
employees of the Client and some are employees of my company using the
database. Employees of my company also have many clients in their territory.
Only one Member can be documented on the issue form.
center database. Currently, when a call comes in from a Client Contact, the
users enter information regarding the Member’s issue on a data entry form.
The users can resolve certain issues themselves, but may need the additional
help of the Services Department. The users click on a button on the form and
open a new Services Form with the some of the data populated from the data
entry form. Additional fields on the Services Form are required to be
completed before handing over the issue to the Services Department.
A Client Contact may call in many times for issues regarding Members.
There may be several Client Contacts for a client. Some Client Contacts are
employees of the Client and some are employees of my company using the
database. Employees of my company also have many clients in their territory.
Only one Member can be documented on the issue form.