I would like to create a query. .. ie. NFL sched for 2005. on the 1st sheet
that pulls individual team info from the 2nd sheet. So I will input a team,
and have the query search through a range located in two columns on the 2nd
sheet. The info in the first column, 2nd sheet, is date (not necessarily in
order). the second will contain info re events on that date. One of two
column headings on 2nd sheet will allow me to specify the query subject
(ie.ny giants) as the range identifier.. So really, my problem is, setting
up the correct query, (dependant range) - then have it displayed in
chronological order. If possible, I would like to 'color code' the display
based on how close the dates fall relative.. (like if info falls in first 1/4
of season - it is red - 3/4 of season it is blue - etc.).. last problem is
formatting and have it delete the unused rows... because some columns will
contain more info than others so i dont want gaps w/o anything displayed. I
appreciate anyone who willing to provide help.. Know its a lot. tx
that pulls individual team info from the 2nd sheet. So I will input a team,
and have the query search through a range located in two columns on the 2nd
sheet. The info in the first column, 2nd sheet, is date (not necessarily in
order). the second will contain info re events on that date. One of two
column headings on 2nd sheet will allow me to specify the query subject
(ie.ny giants) as the range identifier.. So really, my problem is, setting
up the correct query, (dependant range) - then have it displayed in
chronological order. If possible, I would like to 'color code' the display
based on how close the dates fall relative.. (like if info falls in first 1/4
of season - it is red - 3/4 of season it is blue - etc.).. last problem is
formatting and have it delete the unused rows... because some columns will
contain more info than others so i dont want gaps w/o anything displayed. I
appreciate anyone who willing to provide help.. Know its a lot. tx