It's OK...
FWIW I try to ask questions that will help confirm or deny something
quite specific (even if I do not say what that is), although sometimes
they are more speculative.
But I have no doubt that I do not always succeed, and/or that it doesn't
always come across that way.
Something that may help in this case is to consider the possibility that
there is something wrong with either your .xls, your .doc or your .dot.
If you experiment with completely fresh .doc, .xls and perhaps .dot, you
may be able to verify for yourself that /this normally works/. OTOH,
perhaps on your system /it never works/ in which case there must be
something wrong.
Another thing to try is
a. once you have opened your document, and chosen any table in the
data source (even if you can tell that it is the wrong data source),
open the VBA editor
b. open the immediate window (ctrl-G if it is not there already)
c. type
record the results
? activedocument.mailmerge.datasource.connectstring
? activedocument.mailmerge.datasource.querystring
record the results and post them in this thread.
Peter Jamieson