Data storage/retrieval



I would like to set up an excel file that has several tabs that send data to
one table, but on a daily basis clear the data in those tabs to enter new
info while continuing to add/store that data to the master data table.

First three being, say 1, 2, 3. Data will be entered into those file fields.
I want to be able to send that data to a running summary table ie by rows.
for that day. For day 2 I want to use the same 1,2,3 tabs to enter in new
info and at the same time still have that data linked to that table. etc
continue to clear the entered info but update a master table.

Does this involve macros or can I only do this through controls and database

Otto Moehrbach

Yes, you would need a macro for that. From what you say, maybe a
Workbook_BeforeClose macro would work for you. That macro will fire
whenever the user issues a Workbook Close command (perhaps at the end of the
day?). The code in the macro can be written to do whatever you want done.
If you think this would work for you, post back and provide a bit more
detail about the layout of your data, what you want copied/pasted and the
layout of where you want it pasted. HTH Otto


i appreciate your assistance here is the scoop

I need to track the progress of 7 production measureables every 2 hours.
Workbook has three tabs, Shifts 1, 2, 3 for each shifts supervisor to enter
the progress observed every two hours.
Working files field names are by column. All entered data would be in same
column. (except date). 7 measureables Column A, Column B there are four cells
to enter data (2 hour interval progress over 8 hour shift) per measureable,
at least 28 cells of data to transfer to a running data table every shift.
This table does not have to be in the same workbook but will that simplfy
things? Your call

using somekind of 'update and clear' macro will allow the supervisor to use
the same file instead of a new one/save as every day, but also store that
info so that daily, weekly, monthly reports can be used.

The reason I am not just simply having them input this data into one single
table is due to the fact that the next two columns C & D have specific cause
and fail codes that are chosen from a drop down box. This data too will need
to be compiled but would be very similar to the progress cells that are of
interest right now.

Instead of using a workbook close command, would a command/action button
"Update" work so that the supervisor can enter info into one of the shift
tabs throughout the day but not actually transferthe data to the file until
the End of Shift (8th hour) production status has been entered and the
"Update" button clicked.

looking forward to discussing with you,


Otto Moehrbach

Yes, doing it all in the same workbook simplifies it. And yes, this can
be done with a macro(s) and a button.
Your explanation does not clarify what you have and what you want. You are
using terms/words that are peculiar to your operation and that you
understand very well. But a person not acquainted with your operation, like
me, gets lost in a hurry.
Use generic terms like:
I have this sheet and this sheet and this sheet.
Each sheet has headers in this row, this row, and this row.
The data starts in this row.
I have data in this column, this column, and this column.
I have multiple rows of like data.
The number of rows is fixed or not fixed.
I want a button at the top of each sheet.
When this button is clicked I want this data from this row to that row
copied to this other sheet.
Copied to where in this other sheet? Be specific. Does that sheet have
headers? Where? In what row do you want the data to be placed? After what
is already there?
I need the name of this other sheet.
Note that this other sheet can be hidden if that suits you.
When the copying is done, I want all the data from this row to that row
cleared in the original sheet (the sheet with the button).
If you wish, you can send me your file. Fake the data if it's proprietary.
I need only the layout of the data, not the data itself. My email address
is (e-mail address removed). Remove the "nop" from this address. Otto

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