data table based on data table



Is it possible to get a data table that is based on a data table?

I have a data table, and the results are obviously driven by two variables.
The resultant cell is an IRR cell.

I have set up 6 scenarios of 5 inputs. The model which drives everything is
based in part on the scenario chosen from a dropdown. In other words, I have
a dropdown which selects the scenario number. That drives a set of 5 cells
to its right which are % figures. Those percentage figures feed the main
model, and as such when you select the scenario, the numbers that come up
change the data table, since the data table is driven off the final cell of
the model.

Now what I want to do is to take the max and min of the data table, and have
that shown in another table. So I've written Max(datatablerange), and have
that as the resultant cell of my second data table. The row input for that
table is 1-6, each representing the scenario number. So I'm trying to force
the second data table to pretend to select the scenario, which then would
drive the model, which then would drive the first data table, from which the
max would drive the second table. Seems circular, but maybe there's
something I'm missing or somehow that I need to do it otherwise.


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