Hi Breeze,
great! Didn't expect to get so far at first!
Better place the macro in normal.dot "sub autonew", if it should
work for all new documents. And change my faulty date format to
"mm-dd-yyyy" for month, day, year. The thing with the week is,
that there are different ways of counting. In germany, more than
everything is so strictly regulated, that there is an official way
of counting weeks. I have no idea where you are and what are the
rules there. There are 4 possibilities, e.g.:
DateDiff("ww", "01/01/2004", Now, , vbFirstFullWeek)
where vbFirstFullWeek = 3 and means, the 1st week in the year
is the first complete week in the year. Which arises the question,
whether a week starts with sunday or monday. It's awful.
DateDiff("ww", "01/01/2004", Now, , vbUseSystem) '0
DateDiff("ww", "01/01/2004", Now, , bFirstJan1) '1
DateDiff("ww", "01/01/2004", Now, , vbFirstFourDays) '2
DateDiff("ww", "01/01/2004", Now, , vbFirstFullWeek) '3
Just check it out.
And forgive me for asking, where are you from, how old are you?
It makes things easier, if one has a more or less clear picture
of the person, one is talking to.
Have a nice day!
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber, MVP
"red.sys" & chr(64) & "t-online.de"
Word XP, Win 98