Data Transfer



I initally set up a simple data base with one table and
one form. I have now set up a different table (there is a
reason I did not just adjust the first one) and of course
it has many tables, forms, relationships etc. I would
like to transfer the data from the first table into the
new data base, but as all the info is on ONE table and I
wnat to split it between two. Obviously I have ensured
the headings are the same and the cells are the same
(Number, Text, Date/Time etc). Copy and paste is not

Thanks for any help anyone can offer.


Jan Pit

Hi Suzan,

On way would be to create an Append query. Select the original table and
indicate the field you want to "export". The append to-table does not
necessairily have the same field names.
In the query indicate for each field to what destination field the append
has to go.
Then run it!

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