Data Trend Plot



I have a set of Data over 600 lines. When I go to plot it
it gives me a very congested chart? IS there a way around

Another Question: Given the data Can Excell plot the chart
for the last rolling month given today's data and continue
doing that into the future? PLot only a rolling month at a
given time?



I have a set of Data over 600 lines. When I go to plot it
it gives me a very congested chart? IS there a way around

600 lines on one chart or do you mean 600 data points in one series? What
type of chart? What is congested -- data labels, columns, lines and
markers, ...?
Another Question: Given the data Can Excell plot the chart
for the last rolling month given today's data and continue
doing that into the future? PLot only a rolling month at a
given time?

Yep. Tushar gives nice directions at, look for
Dynamic Charts on the left side.


HI Dave,

Sorry. I menat 600 data points in one series. I am doing a
line chart, the cahrt itself is congested.

I cannot see if there is a trend



I menat 600 data points in one series. I am doing a
line chart, the cahrt itself is congested.

I cannot see if there is a trend

Well, I can suggest a few things, but nothing earth-shattering. I think
you have a data analysis problem, not necessarily a charting problem.
Unless, of course, your chart is greatly cleaned up by removing connecting
lines between the data points (select series, Format | Selected data
series | Patterns tab | None radio button in the Line section).

You can maximize the size of the chart to use your eyeball for
trend-spotting. You can do this by putting the chart on its own sheet
(select chart, Chart | Chart location | As new sheet). Then make it size
with your window (View | Sized with window). Finally, View | Full Screen.

Still congested? Temporarily rid the chart of labels, axes, and legend.
Edit the series to use small markers at each data point (select series,
Format | Selected data series | Patterns tab | modify settings in the
Marker section).

You can use spreadsheet functions such as LINEST to calculate the linear
best fit to the data. The r-value gives you some indication if there isa
trend; see Excel help for more details.

I sure hope this helps. I don't know what else to add.

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