My Dears,
An advice used by me for reporting particulars of cheques issued in a
day have 7 columns - Date, Cheque No, Payee, Amount, Customer a/c No,
Location and Location Code.
To ensure that only valid cheque nos. are reported, I have added data
validation in B34:B63 while
the source is located at A76:A7675. In Data > validation I cannot use
BETWEEN because the cheque
nos are not contigous. Since the cheque nos in stock need be on the
same worksheet, after addition of
the data validation it has taken significantly longer while mailing
through my narrow band dial up connection.
Could you help me to keep the file size down while keeping it simple
since I can not make the head or tail of the VBE. I may also add that I
have not added validation in Location and Location Code columns for
fear of increasing the file size further.
I am a newbee and dont know how to attach a sample worksheet to this
forum. If anybody is willing I will mail the worksheet as attachment.
Thanking you,
An advice used by me for reporting particulars of cheques issued in a
day have 7 columns - Date, Cheque No, Payee, Amount, Customer a/c No,
Location and Location Code.
To ensure that only valid cheque nos. are reported, I have added data
validation in B34:B63 while
the source is located at A76:A7675. In Data > validation I cannot use
BETWEEN because the cheque
nos are not contigous. Since the cheque nos in stock need be on the
same worksheet, after addition of
the data validation it has taken significantly longer while mailing
through my narrow band dial up connection.
Could you help me to keep the file size down while keeping it simple
since I can not make the head or tail of the VBE. I may also add that I
have not added validation in Location and Location Code columns for
fear of increasing the file size further.
I am a newbee and dont know how to attach a sample worksheet to this
forum. If anybody is willing I will mail the worksheet as attachment.
Thanking you,