What exactly do you mean by "returns a blank" and "tests for blank
cells" ???
The zero length string (ZLS) [ "" ] is NOT a BLANK (ie, empty) cell.
Worksheet function ISBLANK actually tests for an empty (null) cell.
VBA IsEmpty(variant) (AKA IsEmpty(singleCellRange.Value)) also tests for
an empty (null) cell.
I know of no way for a function to return a BLANK (ie, empty) value.
Best suggestions I have for you is to revise your model to include a
visual value [ n/a, ---, or whatever ] that can be included in yourvalidationlist, and returned by your formula.
HTH ... good luck!
Clif McIrvin
(clare reads his mail with moe, nomail feeds the bit bucket
Thank you all for the replies. "ignoreblanks" works as Garry
describes. It allows you to enter a blank without getting a datavalidationerror, even thoughtblanksare not on thevalidationlist.
I am not sure Wouter has it quite right. I can enter a formula after
the datavalidationis turned on, and the datavalidationworks fine
on the formula unless the formula returns a blank. For example, if I
want integers between 0 and 100 and the formula returns a value
between 0 and 100 then I do not get avalidationerror. If it returns
any value other than 0-100 then I do get an error. This issue is that
I do not want to get avalidationerror if the formula returns a
I cannot have the formula return "0" when the value is missing since
missing values are to be treated differently than 0.
Finally, obviously I can place my formulas somewhere else and copy-
past-values back into the right cells, but this is cumbersome. Clearly
there are workarounds, but the issue is that I have a lot of VBA that
interpretsblanksin a certain way, and a lot of data validations on
the cells, and when I try to fill the cells with formulas this
produces all the datavalidationerrors.
Since the datavalidationworks fine for formulas in all circumstances
except when they return a blank, I am thinking this is a microsoft
bug... unless there is some alternative way to have a formula return a
blank that gets interpreted by the datavalidationas a blank, I am
stuck with the inelegant work-arounds.
Thanks again for the help.
After serious thinking Gord Dibben wrote :
The behavior I get when "IgnoreBlanks" IS checked is that I can leave
the cell empty OR empty the cell if I type an invalid entry, without
getting an alert.
If I uncheck "IgnoreBlanks", I get an alert if I try to empty the
after making an entry.
If I use a named range withblanks, theblanksappear in the dropdown.
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