Data Validation/ Drop Down Menus




You won't be able to use data validation to accomplish
this. Data validation won't work because you can't
reference a differnet sheet using list from data
validation menu.

The good news is you might be able to use vlookup. If you
can provide me more info, as to what format drink info you

Let me know.



For some reason I'm not seeing the OP. No "Re:". Looks like an OP. So I'm
responding to Leo's post.

You can refer to cells in another sheet for Data Validation by using a Range
Name (Insert - Name - Define, or use the Name Box), then refer to that in
your validation expression. Something like:

=MyList (Press F3 while you're in the box, and you'll get a list of
existing names from which to select, or type it in)

This won't directly let you select from one column of the Sheet1 table (the
Alcohol name) and get values from another column in the table (the results
of the formula). To do that, you'll also need to use VLOOKUP or MATCH in
another column in Sheet2.

Regards from Virginia Beach,


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