Data Validation Drop Down Using VBA?



Is there a way to programmatically cause a drop-down list in a cell with
validation to show? On one of my worksheets, if the user enters a certain
value in one cell, another cell is populated with a list of titles the user
must choose from. I would like that list to automatically show ("drop down")
to remind the user to select something.




Hi -

Why not just use a visual cue instead. Maybe change the color of the cell in
question when the other value is entered.

You could either do this with code to just change the range /cell interior
color, or you could setup conditinal formats prior to any macros running, or
you could do a combination of both.

As well, you can setup your dv lists to prompt the user on input or invalid
entry. This would require the user to be in the cell w the list though.

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