Data Validation for list in a different workbook



I have a list in one workbook, with a name - "fruits" that contains Apple,
Orange, Banana, etc.

I would like to be able to show this list as a data validation drop down
LIST in another workbook. THere are instructions in the MS help topics but
they seem to be missing a step (or I am missing a step)

Can someone give a solution? When I try I get a message "You may not use
references to other worksheets or workbooks for data validation criteria".

This is what I found on "help" but it doesnt seem to work. Step 4 and 5 seem
to contradict eachother.

1. Open the workbook that contains the list of drop-down entries.
2. Open the workbook where you want to validate cells, point to Name on the
Insert menu, and then click Define.
3. In the Names in workbook box, type the name, for example, ValidDepts.
4. Accept the default value in the Refers to: box, and then click OK.
5. In the Refers to box, delete the contents, and keep the insertion pointer
in the box.
6. On the Window menu, click the name of the workbook that contains the list
of drop-down entries, and then click the worksheet that contains the list.
7. Select the cells containing the list.
8. In the Define Name dialog box, click Add, and then click Close.

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