Data validation problem


Yan Robidoux

Hail to you all....

First post here and hopefully the last...
Second, sorry if i'm not on the right board...
Third, sorry for my not perfect english....

Well enough "being sorry thing" here my problem...

I'm currently validating a form in excell and some bug just got int
the equation wich i cannot remove (solve)....

I got a list of text value c4:c28 wich contain some number like "p-12"
i got a cell g4 wich CANNOT take any of the value in c4:c28
here what i got thus far :

it in french so i will give you some highlight on the formula :
majuscule convert the string in capital letter ...
recherche search through the array... (search formula in english ?)

up to now it work except :
- somme letter alway's generate error : a-e-d-f-o for example. Othe
are just fine w-s-r-x-t.
- number generate error

why does these specific entry generate error's ? i would understand i
ANY entry were wrong but why some specific ?

thanks in anvance for any help....

PS: the must be a better way to do this but i cannot find the formula
need in the french version of excell... im at my job and cannot instal
the english version... sorry about the inconvenience..

Dave Peterson

G4 cannot equal any value in C4:C28?

How about (in English--I speak no French, sorry <bg>):


=iserror() looks for things like #n/a,#value, #ref! (all English)

=match() looks to see if there's a match between that value (g4) and the list

And it's not case sensitive, so you don't need the =upper().

Hope you can translate!

Yan Robidoux

Thanks for the input to you two...

I will try to find the french formula (should not be that hard)

hopefully it will solve my problem, at least the formula will be easie
to understand (shorter

Dave Peterson

Try this.

Create a new workbook (so we don't damage the real one) in excel
hit alt-f11 to get to the vbe
hit ctrl-g to see the immediate window.

type (or copy) this into that immediate window:

range("a1").formula = "=ISERROR(MATCH(G4,C4:C28,0))"

Then alt-f11 to get back to excel and look at A1 in that activesheet.

Did that help?

Yan Robidoux

Alright thanks man.....

Well now it work with this formula.....


I'm still receiving error message wenever i enter any one of thes
letter in the said field :

e-i-o-p-a-d-f-g-h-j-k-l-c-b-n-m and any number

but the following letter are ok :

q-w-r-t-y-u-s-z-x-v as are alpha numerical value using them (q1 - w2

anyone have and idea why i got these messsage ?

i will remind you that the cell c4:c28 contain alpha-numerical valu
like p1 p2 p3 x2 v1 etc...

well i confuse myself but that is as clear as my english will let me b
hehe sorry about that... and thank for any input...

Yan Robidoux

forget my last post it work perfectly....

during the switch from english to french i did'nt pick the righ
formula... i chose recherche(search) instead of equiv(match) thus m

now im all done

THANKS a lot for your help.... if you need anything (like me rankin
your reply) i will help right away just tell me how...

thanks again


Dave Peterson

Thanks for the offer, but I post directly through the newsgroups.

So the only ranking is: "It worked" or "It didn't".

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