Data Validation



Hello all,
I am not an expert with excel. But i do use it very frequently.
And lately i've been setting up a project for my company to standardize an
order form for our customers. Everything was going swell, naming my range
cells, inputting error codes for incorrect selections and providing dynamic
drop down boxes with correct information for an order. However i hit a speed
bump in my processing when one day i came in to work to spend another
countless amount of hours when all of a sudden, the arrows for the drop down
boxes disappeared.

I would appreciate if you don't give me the 100 solutions for this issue as
i have already tried from the net on 20 different sites. This is more just a
feedback letter stating how many hours i had to spend to rescue the order
form. I wanted to know if anyone else had this error happen to them, and if
they overcame it by substituting data validation with something else?

I have Excel 2007 and any advice would be much appreciated.

Kind Regards


You do not say which 100 solutions you already have? Difficult to then give
advice, yet try to honour your request!



Replace xxx with hotmail

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