Data Validation



G'day everyone.

Wondering how I limit someone from entering in non numeric or alphabetic
characters into a textbox on a form. Do I do this within a form or in my
table design.

I'm wanting the user to be able to use:
a to z
A to Z
1 to 0

I don't want them to use !@#$%^&*()'";:,./<>?{}[] etc etc

Hope you can help,

Nikos Yannacopoulos


To the best of my knowledge, there's no way it can be done
through format; I believe you'll have to use some code to
read the text string, loop through each character and
check if it is within the acceptable ranges. It should
look omething like:

strg = Forms("Formname").Controls("InputBox") = ""
For i = 1 To Len(strg)
ltr = Asc(Mid(strg, i, 1))
If ltr < 48 Or (ltr > 57 And ltr < 65) Or (ltr > 90
And ltr < 97) Or ltr > 122 Then
MsgBox "Invalid characters in string." & Chr(10)
& "Pls try again."
Forms("Formname").Controls("InputBox") = ""
Exit For
End If

and should be fired by the on change event of the input


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