Data View sort


Tom Brophy

I have some web pages that have data views and I need to give the user the
option to sort by different columns (such as a hyperlink they click on). I'm
not too familiar with HTML code. How can I get this done? Any code examples
would be fantastic.

Below is the query as it is right now. I see the 'OrderBy' and 'OrderField
Name=" near the bottom and I know this is how it is sorting and I changed
what's in the quotes to a different field name and it sorted the way I would
have expected. Now, how can I give the user an option to sort? Another
quick question: If I wanted a second sort field within the first would I just
add another 'OrderField Name=" below the first?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Tom Brophy

<dsp:Field Name="City"/>
<dsp:Field Name="SalesPerson"/>
<dsp:Field Name="Contact"/>
<dsp:Field Name="Company"/>
<dsp:Field Name="Building"/>
<dsp:Field Name="Phone"/>
<dsp:Field Name="SqFeet"/>
<dsp:Field Name="SalePrice"/>
<dsp:Field Name="BidDate"/>
<dsp:Field Name="DueDate"/>
<dsp:Field Name="Level"/>
<dsp:Field Name="ID"/>
<dsp:Field Name="NextAction"/>
<dsp:Field Name="FollowupDate"/>
<dsp:OrderField Name="SalesPerson"
Type="xsd:string" Direction="ASC"/>

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