Has anyone ever heard of the 'RefreshLink' property causing bloat? My
database goes from 83MB to 318MB when the code below runs to link 142 SQL
tables. If the user chooses not to run this 'link update', it doesn't
happen. Anyone have any tips??? I have read all the Microsoft articles I
could find and have made sure that everything is properly closed.
For Each tmpTABLE In mydb.TableDefs
tmptablename = tmpTABLE.Name
tmpconnect = tmpTABLE.Connect
If Len(tmpTABLE.Connect) > 0 Then
tmpTABLE.Connect = ""
tmpTABLE.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=" & tmpDSN & ";APP=" & tmpAPP &
";WSID=" & tmpWSID & ";DATABASE=" & tmpDB & ";Trusted_Connection=" & tmpTC &
End If
Next tmpTABLE
database goes from 83MB to 318MB when the code below runs to link 142 SQL
tables. If the user chooses not to run this 'link update', it doesn't
happen. Anyone have any tips??? I have read all the Microsoft articles I
could find and have made sure that everything is properly closed.
For Each tmpTABLE In mydb.TableDefs
tmptablename = tmpTABLE.Name
tmpconnect = tmpTABLE.Connect
If Len(tmpTABLE.Connect) > 0 Then
tmpTABLE.Connect = ""
tmpTABLE.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=" & tmpDSN & ";APP=" & tmpAPP &
";WSID=" & tmpWSID & ";DATABASE=" & tmpDB & ";Trusted_Connection=" & tmpTC &
End If
Next tmpTABLE