Database certification



Is it worth getting certified for database management? If
so, what would the best database to learn? I have toyed
with Microsoft Access for a few years, and am interesed
on learning more about it. The biggest question is can
some make a living at it?

Steve Schapel


There are many people, including myself, who make a living from woking
with Access, either as employees or as freelance developers. I expect
that opportunities to do so will continue for the forseeable future.
The role of formal training is questionable, and possibly varies from
country to country. To me, it is more important to get good at what you
do, and find a "market" for your skills. This typically is not a quick
or easy process.


Thanks Steve, One other question. Is their a way for some
else to run Access without having the program. I do not
have the developer version but would like to test it at
other location. What can I do?

Steve Schapel


As far as I know, there are only three ways someone can run an Access
application. They have to have an appropriate version of Access
installed on the computer. Or the application has to be installed as
part of an Access runtime installation, for which you will require the
developer edition to legally produce. Or they can run it remotely via
Terminal Services or Citrix or whatnot, but in this case it is not
running on their machine.

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