Database confused by two version of access



I have an Access 97 Database that resides on a computer
where someone has installed Access 2002. The application
is an .mde file and was installed with the runtime version
only of Access 97 on this computer. Since the application
was installed, someone has installed Access 2002. When
they start the application, it tries to start using Access
2002 and of course want's to convert the application. I
can't let that happen because of the QA controls we have
in place on this application. Converting would require QA

I know there is a way to setup a shortcut so that when the
application starts, it uses the correct version of access,
but I am not sure what that is. Any help would be
appreciated. The installer setup erverything using the
default directories and directory tree.



Douglas J. Steele

The shortcut would have the complete path to whichever version of
msaccess.exe you want to use, followed by a space, followed by the complete
path to the MDB. If your paths have spaces in them, enclose the individual
paths in double quotes:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe" "C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb"

For more details, look in the Access 97 help file under Command Line

Another option would be to purchase something like Accver from David Aylott or Total Access Startup from FMS

If all you want is to stop the conversion prompt, check out


Thanks for the help!

-----Original Message-----
The shortcut would have the complete path to whichever version of
msaccess.exe you want to use, followed by a space, followed by the complete
path to the MDB. If your paths have spaces in them, enclose the individual
paths in double quotes:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office\MSAccess.exe" "C:\Program

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