Database Design - Dynamic RowSource



Hi there,

I am trying to set tariff data for accounts and transaction types in
an application without having to set a tariff for every combination of
accounts (and their groups) and transaction types (and their groups)
Basically very rough example layout is as follows:

Account: ID, AccountGroup, AccountName, AccountAddress
Account Group: ID, AccountGroupName

TType: ID, TTypeGroup, TTypeName, TTypeDescription
TType Group: ID, TTypeGroupName

An account can only be member of one account group and likewise with
Transaction Type. Therefore to avoid having to assign the tariff for
every permutation of the above, I opted to be able to set (based on
priority rules and exceptions) the tariff directly to the group for
the majority, with exceptions being set directly to the underlying
detail table.

In otherwords the assignment of tariffs always take the lowest
priority of the following:

Priority 1: Account / Transaction Type
Priority 2: Account Group / Transaction Type
Priority 3: Account / Transaction Group
Priority 4: Account Group / Transaction Group

It's the setup of the tariff table I am having trouble with; should I
have (in addition to the actual tariff price etc) a field for the
priority and then two further fields corresponding to the left and
right combination (which then gives me trouble with the GUI in terms
of having dynamic rowsources bound comboboxes for each record in a
continuous form) or simply have a field for the priority, and then one
field each for account, account group, transaction type and
transaction type group and then simply update the respective field
(blanking out the ones no longer needed) as and when the priority
level combobox is changed (which then gives me trouble as an unbound
combobox in a continuous form always adopts the same rowsource across
all records... I think!!!) or anyone have any better ideas please?

Sylvain Lafontaine

You should ask your question in the m.p.sqlserver.programming newsgroup;
your chances of having an appropriate will be much greater there than in
this place.

S. L.



Thank you kindly for your support. I never like to post things in two
many groups, you know how some people get....


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