C Tate
This question refers to an article I read on database normalisation tips in
the msdn.microsoft.com/library.
The author says:
"Sometimes data needs to be de-normalized to preserve information that may
change over time.
In our simple example of an invoice linked to the customer table via a
custumor ID number, we may need to preserve the customer address at the time
the invoice is issued (not at the time it's created, because the customer
information may change between the two events). If we did not preserve the
address at the time the invoice was issued, and we had to update the
customer information in future, we may not be able to confirm the exact
address to which a particular invoice was sent. This could be a huge
business problem."
My question is this. What is the best way to ensure that a database
preserves the information at, say, the time the invoice is issued supposing
the customer address changes after an order is placed?
the msdn.microsoft.com/library.
The author says:
"Sometimes data needs to be de-normalized to preserve information that may
change over time.
In our simple example of an invoice linked to the customer table via a
custumor ID number, we may need to preserve the customer address at the time
the invoice is issued (not at the time it's created, because the customer
information may change between the two events). If we did not preserve the
address at the time the invoice was issued, and we had to update the
customer information in future, we may not be able to confirm the exact
address to which a particular invoice was sent. This could be a huge
business problem."
My question is this. What is the best way to ensure that a database
preserves the information at, say, the time the invoice is issued supposing
the customer address changes after an order is placed?