I have ane Employee database. with 4 tables:
The Idea I have are all the tables be linked off the
tblPersonal_Information. I want to be able to fill in the
form frmpersonal_information and click on a button and
fill in the other bits of informations
I'd suggest a couple of things. As TC suggests, you do need to get
clear what a Primary Key is: it's a field within a table which
uniquely identifies a record in that table.
Each Table should refer to an "Entity" - a real-life person, thing, or
event. How are these tables related? What real-life person, thing, or
event do you store in tblDriver_Information for example? How are the
tables related: does each Person have one single Emergency_Information
record, or might they have several?
If (as is typical) you have one-to-many relationships you may want to
base a Form on tblPersonal_Information and put Subforms for the
related tables.