BruceM said:
A few questions:
Is each session related to a client? Can a session involve several clients?
Yes, each session is related to a single client, or so I anticipate.
I assume that OrderMast is related to a client. In other words, a client
places an order. If you look up a client, I expect you would want to be
able to see a listing of that client's orders. Do you need to keep track of
Session information in OrderDetails? If you keep track of sessions, you
will also be able to keep track of Products, which are related to sessions.
That's what I haven't quite figured out. tblProduct is MY output. It would
catalogue the negatives and/or digital files. I'm not sure yet if this is
going to be overkill; My intention is only to catalogue media that meets my
professional standards as a photographer so that when a client requests
prints, I don't have to weed through the unsatisfactory shots to find what I
want. I'm working on a more thorough description of my tables, but may not
have that done for a little while yet.
My initial plan is that a session will be related to a client, an order to
a session, a product to a session but also to a detailed order. That's where
things are still fuzzy for me; I want to avoid creating circular
relationships. Phew, I've been away from this for TOOO long!
For the relationships tables, I am a bit uncertain about how to proceed. I
expect you would want a separate table for Children, etc., but I cannot
think offhand of the best way to transfer that information to a record in
the Client table and still maintain the relationship information. I hope
somebody else jumps in on this part of it at least.
tblFamDemo is primarily a means of keeping track of my clients' family
names and personal info that would help refresh my memory and allow
promotional mailings to be sent. At current it contains only a few fields
but I imagine it expanding as I go along. It's a tool for building client
relationships and marketing.
In general you will want to create the relationships between the like-named
fields, then build a form (frmClient) based on tblClient, and subforms
(fsubSession and fsubProduct) based on tblSession and tblProduct. You can
drag a subform icon onto a form (fsubProduct onto fsubSession, and
fsubSession onto frmClient) in form design view to create a subform. It
will probably help if fsubProduct is a Continuous form.
Yeah, I'm not EVEN there yet. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions when I
get to that point though.
That's all I can add for now. I think you're on the right track with the
table relationships. I have used form names, etc. because it is easier to
refer to names than to descriptions, but of course you will be using
whatever names suit you.
Thanks for your help.