The place to start is with the database design. In a typical training
database you would have a Course table and an Employee table, plus a third
table to serve as a junction table. Each course can be attended by many
employees, and each employee can attend many courses. This is a
many-to-many relationship, so you need a junction table to resolve the
relationship. The tables may be something like this:
CourseID (primary key, or PK)
EmployeeID (PK)
tblEnrollment (junction table)
EnrollmentID (PK)
CourseID (foreign key, or FK)
EmployeeID (FK)
In the Relationships window, drag EmployeeID (tblEmployee) and CourseID
(tblCourse) onto the like-named fields in tblEnrollment. Click Enforce
Referential Integrity each time.
Create a form (frmCourse) based on tblCourse, and another (fsubEnrollment)
based on tblEnrollment. On fsubEnrollment, create a combo box bound to
EmployeeID (that's EmployeeID in tblEnrollment, the subform's Record
Source). Use a query based on tblEmployee as the combo box Row Source.
When you create the query, make EmployeeID the first column. In the second
column you could have something like:
LastFirst: [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName]
Use the combo box property sheet to set the Column Count to 2, the Column
Widths to 0";1.5", and the Bound Column to 1. The Bound Column is the one
you will store.
Use the toolbox to draw a subform/subreport control on frmCourse. Set this
control's Source Object to fsubEnrollment, and set the Link Child and Link
Master fields to CourseID.
Now you can enter a course description into frmCourse, and by way of the
subform populate the course with employees.
This approach assumes you already have a table containing the Employee
There are several factors that could complicate this. If there is a list of
courses such as would exist at a school, you need to take that into account.
Also, you may need a separate table for instructors.
Just a note that each time I say something like "set the Column Count" I am
referring to choices on the property sheet. To see a form's Property Sheet,
open the form in Design View and click View >> Properties. For a control,
click the control to select it, and use View >> Properties if the Property
Sheet is not already open. Poke around a bit and you'll probably get the
hang of how the Property Sheet works.
Post back with any specific questions.