Apologies. I dint write much to get help in return. Here is what I am
working on.
I am working on a database which will store products and services offered to
our clients and the revenue collected from each of them. The structure is as
described below:
Client c001 - will have several Projects running in different locations
A Project p001 (for c001) will have
1. Location Details
2. Equipment Availibility on Location
3. Service Offering used by Client
4. People on the Location
Equipment Availability is a count of Products from a list which is provided
by us at the location. Attributes - EquipmentCategory (4), EquipmentSub
Category (may or may not be under each category), Equipment Name and Count.
Service Offering is a Yes/No option for a Service from a list which is
provided by us at the location. Attributes -Service Category (4), Service Sub
Category (may or may not be under each category), Service Name and Count.
People - is the category of Personnel and Qty of each type on the location
for providing the services for the client
Now each client + location combination by a unique JobID (Format YYabcXXXX,
YY is the Year, abc is a constant string, and XXXX is the increment from 0001
and so on) which is a unique field throughout the database. However, a one
Client and one Location can have more than one JobIDs.
Managers for projects will input the data on a daily/weekly basis
1. Tool availibilty on location (daily counts)
2. Personnel on location (daily counts)
3. Services used (daily counts)
4. Revenue (weekly numbers)
Another table stores the total number of tools (inventory) and personnel
available in the base.
I have done most of it using spreadsheets and using VB macros in the
spreadsheets, but the spreadsheets have become slow due to the excessive
number of controls (say almost 31 x 100 tick boxes). The data for each
client+project combinatin is stored in a new sheet added to the workbook and
read from there. Well, I want to implement this using Access, so that all the
data is contained in this file, and different people access it. The present
situation, the workbook needs to be passed around.
The outputs will be reports based on
1. reveue collections, (for every project, client, and all clients)
2. Equipment Utilization (every project, client, and all clients)
3. Service Offering Counts (every project, client, and all clients)
I hope this gives you an idea of what I am trying to accomplish.
I have created tables -
TblClients - ClientID, ClientName, ProjectName, JobNumber, Notes
TblJobDetails - JobID, JobNumber, Location Name, Equipment, Service,
Revenue, Personnel
TblPersonnel - PersonnelID, PersonnelCategory, PersonnelType, PersonnelQty,
TblRevenue - RevID, Revenue
TblLocation - LocationID, LocaitonName, LocationType, LocationStatus
TblEquipment - ServiceID, ServiceCategory, ServiceType, ServiceName,
TblEquipment - EquipmentID, EquipmentCategory, EquipmentType, EquipmentName,
EquipmentQty, EquipmentDescription
How do I design a data entry form whcih will capture this information on
daily/weekly basis. I tried the Pages method in Access, but it returned an
error. I opened the saved page in IE but unsuccesful again.
Hope you will be able to help.