In trying to create a form that sends results to a
database, I get this error message when I choose a
database connection at the Options menu: "The server
encountered an error...." And then when I click "details"
I get this:
"Server error: Unable to retrieve the list of record
sources from a database using the connection string:
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
The following error message comes from the database
driver software; it may appear in a different language
depending on how the driver is configured."
What's the solution?
database, I get this error message when I choose a
database connection at the Options menu: "The server
encountered an error...." And then when I click "details"
I get this:
"Server error: Unable to retrieve the list of record
sources from a database using the connection string:
DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
The following error message comes from the database
driver software; it may appear in a different language
depending on how the driver is configured."
What's the solution?