I have a database field connecting to a table as below:
{ DATABASE \d " C:\\database\\westernpacific.mdb " \c "DSN=MS Access
Database;DBQ= C:\\database\\westernpacific.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s " SELECT Policy.PolicyID AS
Product_ID, Policy.Institution AS Institution, Policy.PolicyDetails AS
Product_Type, Policy.Commence AS Commencement_Date
FROM Policy
WHERE (((Policy.CustID)='GavinDelaney30/01/1964'))"\l"6"\b "63" \h;}
My issue lies within the switches at the end of the statement. If I add a
custom table autoformat, how do I know what the format# is after the \l
switch. The current one I'm using is just one of the default word table
{ DATABASE \d " C:\\database\\westernpacific.mdb " \c "DSN=MS Access
Database;DBQ= C:\\database\\westernpacific.mdb;DriverId=25;FIL=MS
Access;MaxBufferSize=512;PageTimeout=5;" \s " SELECT Policy.PolicyID AS
Product_ID, Policy.Institution AS Institution, Policy.PolicyDetails AS
Product_Type, Policy.Commence AS Commencement_Date
FROM Policy
WHERE (((Policy.CustID)='GavinDelaney30/01/1964'))"\l"6"\b "63" \h;}
My issue lies within the switches at the end of the statement. If I add a
custom table autoformat, how do I know what the format# is after the \l
switch. The current one I'm using is just one of the default word table