Database for Tanning Business


John W. Vinson

I need to set up a database for my busiiness any Ideas? please help!!!1

This is a volunteer-based tech support forum; we'll be happy to answer
specific questions, but "build my database for me" is a tall order. Here are
some resources for you to get started, though; the tutorials at the end would
be particularly helpful:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

Roger Carlson's tutorials, samples and tips:

A free tutorial written by Crystal:

A video how-to series by Crystal:

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:


I am sorry, but i dont you to build one for me. I just wanted some ideas on
how to do one. i need it to do different things....

i will check the sites you gave me a try!!

thank you.

John W. Vinson

I am sorry, but i dont you to build one for me. I just wanted some ideas on
how to do one. i need it to do different things....

If you'll post a description of what you want the database to accomplish for
you, folks will be glad to help. It's just that "a database for my tanning
business" is awfully vague; I can guess that there would be tables for
customers and tanning sessions, but beyond that I have no idea what you might


I do all this by hand everyday-----
What it needs it to do is-
1. Customers:
personal information

tanning packages


expiration (packages have 3 months)
1 month unlimited
2 week unlimited

which bed they used

how long was there session

Sales history

2. Daily Sales (each day with date)
a. packages
b. single sessions

c. purchases
lotion bottle
name of lotion
d. package or shot of lotion
name of lotion

e. miscellaneous item
a. what it is
b. price
c. which employee sold it to them

4. Bulb hours
Bulb hours (different bulbs has different total hour usage)
a. Used time Per bed
b. Time left Per bed

5. Inventory
a. Name
b. Price
c. cost
d Quantity

6. payment type
a. cash
b. check
c. credit card

7. employees
a. name
i. info
ii. days worked

Mark Andrews

You could start by using one of my CRM templates. I have two versions, one
geared for Access 2003 and earlier and one geared for Access2007.
One is an "account" based CRM and one is a "contact" based CRM. I would
assume with tanning you would use more of a contact based approach (the 2007
version is setup like this, it's also the one I like better). I also have
an Access product for donation management which has the fundamentals of a
contact based CRM but adds on donation, pledge, campaign and event
management. This product might give you some ideas. It does some nice
things like email templates, word document merging, advanced
filtering/queries, etc....

These templates are "open" source code that can then be added/changed to
work with what you want to track and functionality you need.
Some questions might be:
- Are you just trying to use it for existing customers and tracking services
performed and billing?
- Are you trying to use it for lead management (trying to get new
- Do you have employees and you are using the database to track their
Lots of other possible things you could do.

Note: I am an experienced Access developer and even these templates/products
did take some time to develop.
You might want to consider hiring someone to create at least your basic
system and then use your Access skills to tweak it a bit.
Access is not like Excel you should understand the access product, have
relational design skills and have VBA skills if you want to make a database
that is critical in your business.

Buying a system "off the shelf" is also an option. Pros and cons each way.

Feel free to give me a call if you need any advise. I'm wrapping up two CRM
related client projects this weekend so my schedule might be free next week?

My two cents,
Mark Andrews
RPT Software


I am so glad you know what to do, but I am a "newbie" to this. I wish i could
talk to more one on one so i can take notes on what i need to do. I feel like
I am in over my head with what you are talking about so please bear with
me!!!. I do you use a appointment book that i buy from my supplier, so i
will have a hard copy. So will I need both?

Larry Linson

mef1217 said:
I'm sorry but i am a newbie to all of this What is a CRM template?

CRM normally is the abbreviation for Customer Relationship Management.
Unless Mark's idea of CRM is much different than the usual definition, that
would be unlikely to be a good fit to your business needs.

A template in the Access world is a database that generates a database
application based on your answers to common questions. Your "niche" is
sufficiently small and unique that it's unlikely you'll find an Access
template for the database application you want to create. There's no
business model for templates that incents Access developers to create
them -- almost all are from Microsoft, either prepared by Microsoft
employees, contractors, or occasionally, at Microsoft's request, by a
developer with really close ties to Microsoft.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

Mark Andrews

CRM stand for Customer Relationship Management
A template is just a generic word I'm using for a sample Access database.
This one is designed
like a simple version of Microsoft CRM. The idea is Access developers buy
my little sample database
because it's close to what they need, they then customize it to make exactly
what they need.
It took me about a month to develop the database.

Based on what you listed not exactly what you need, just a small portion for
example it tracks contact information.
However if you decide to build something yourself it would help you out.
To do your system right sounds like some work.

Did you check out "off the shelf software":

Perhaps this software might work:

it might handle the tanning beds and customers and a little bit else such as
tracking sales made, not
sure about inventory and some other portions of your requirement.

I'm not affliated with this company (actually I was working on a competing
product but didn't get it finished yet).

Also, quickbooks or perhaps some product by a company called "Sage" need to
be in the mix.

Otherwise I think you need to hire an Access Consultant to build your custom

Mark Andrews
RPT Software

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