Database Help maybe design help



I have a database with 3 major tables in it as follows...

Table one
Old fund
Client Number
Effective Date
New Fund

Table Two
Fund Number
Fund Name
Fund Ticker
Fund Category
Performance Date
Performance numbers

Table three
Client Number
Client Name
Client Address

What I need to accomplish in the end is a report that shows the old
fund from table one the new fund from table 1, the fund category and
ticker for the old fund (comes from table two) and the fund category
and ticker for the new fund (which is also stored in table two) by
client. I have a one to many relationship for the old fund in table
one to the fund number in table two.... I can not for the life of me
figure out how to set up a form to chose the new funds and then pull
it into a report with all the necessary information on the new fund.

Help is very much appreciated as I am running out of time on how to
get this set up...

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