Database help



I have a two tables. the first table has a list of all mutual funds
for all clients and the recommended replacement along with the
effective date. The second table the the mutual fund data table.
my relationship is a one to many from the mutual fund data table to
the old mutual fund for each client. I ultimately want to get data
(ie fund category and ticker) for the recommended new fund to a
report. I am not sure if an update query to a new table is the best
way to handle this.... If so how do I get the query to pull the
information for the new fund and not the old fund.



ckloch said:
I have a two tables. the first table has a list of all mutual funds
for all clients and the recommended replacement along with the
effective date. The second table the the mutual fund data table.
my relationship is a one to many from the mutual fund data table to
the old mutual fund for each client. I ultimately want to get data
(ie fund category and ticker) for the recommended new fund to a
report. I am not sure if an update query to a new table is the best
way to handle this.... If so how do I get the query to pull the
information for the new fund and not the old fund.



This does not sound like good design for your data. Please correct me if
I am wrong, but it seems to me a fund could have many clients, and a
client could have many funds (perhaps even if not at one time). This
many-many relationship requires a third table to be modeled correctly:

Funds -- 1:many -- FundClient -- many:1 -- Clients

In this model you can attribute a date to a particular Fund+Client pair,
along with a recommendation, a status, and whatever else pertains to the
Fund+Client event. You can then query for the most recent, or the
"active" fund choices by client.


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