Database Interface -wiz - Add fields



Is there any way I can add new fields to a table, and reflect the changes in
the database Interface without d using the DIW anregenerating the complete
set of forms again, I have spent time customising the format, but will need
to start again if I regenerate the forms again with DIW.
Many thanks Mick

Thomas A. Rowe


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Andrew Murray have to do the DIW every time....unless of course you have MS which case add the fields in that application, and reupload the'll still have to do the Database Results wizard or the Interface
Wizard, to update the global.asa and to let FP know that there's new fields
in the DB with which to create your queries and so on....


Thanks to Thomas and Andrew, Mick

Andrew Murray said: have to do the DIW every time....unless of course you have MS which case add the fields in that application, and reupload the'll still have to do the Database Results wizard or the Interface
Wizard, to update the global.asa and to let FP know that there's new fields
in the DB with which to create your queries and so on....

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