Database Interface Wizard



To Microsoft. The following was posted to the Frontpage News Group, and
although I can see many have taken a look at the problem, as yet there have
not been any replies.
Posting as follows

I have a set up a test Database Interface Wizard in Frontpage for my Access
database, to demonstrate the problem.
user = “a†password=â€aâ€
There is a date field called “datebookedon†default set to “Date()â€.
There is only one record in the test database.
If I view the details, via the DIW ok.
If I go to edit, no problem.
As soon as I say ok (i.e. finished editing), all the date fields change values
, unless the number of the day is over 12 which would make the change
a nonsense.
e.g. 08/09/2006 becomes 09/08/2006. but 26/08/2006 does not change.
If you then go to edit again, and just do a save the date switches back, and
will toggle every time you edit the record. As I am using this field to
calculate time since the record was entered, it throws out the whole system.
I thank you for your interest. Mick

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More investigation has proved, when I finished the "edit", and said OK, the
update actually changes the value in the date field, so 5-Aug-2006 becomes
7-May-2006, in the Table itself. It looks like the "query.asp" is actually
reporting and displaying correctly i.e. what it finds in the Table, its the
value in the Table that changes at update. Hope this may assist you to help
me, Im really stuck on this one. Thanks in anticipation, Mick

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