database locking



If I turn off record locking and set db to shared on the front-end and
back-end, when the users open the front-end should it also open a .ldb copy.
My thinking was you got a .ldb copy when the db was set to exclusive and/or
edited record locking it turned on. I have about 15 people using the db and
only 3 of them are able to open db and add records without ever getting a
locking error. I am puzzled why only certain users. I've checked to make
sure they are all running the same version runtime and all have current
updates. Now, I assuming it's my db and I'm lost at what it could be.
Anyone got any ideas.

Douglas J. Steele

No, the locking file is always created (unless you open the database as
exclusive and read-only).

Do all the users have the same permissions on the folder where the MDB file
exists? They need at least Change (Read, Write, eXecute and Delete)


Thanks for answering Doug...I posted the same question again because I could
not find this one. Anyway, I have talked to our I.T. dept and they say all
the users in question have the same permissions. When the fourth user open
the db, it opens fine but when she goes to add a record, she immediately get
a "Run-time" error.

Douglas J. Steele

Is your application split into a front-end (containing the queries, forms,
reports, macros and modules), linked to a back-end (containing the tables
and relationships)? Only the back-end should be on the server: each user
should have his/her own copy of the front-end, ideally on his/her hard

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