Here is the SQL.
select left(d.batchstartdatetime,11) as
ndercode,e.templatekey from debit d, envelope e where
d.batchstartdatetime>'8/5/2004' and
d.batchstartdatetime<'8/6/2004' and d.tendertypecode in
('ww','wg')and e.templatekey=1 and
d.batchstartdatetime=e.batchstartdatetime and
d.batchseqnum=e.batchseqnum and d.envelopeseq=e.envelopeseq
I know that this works in MS SQL. What I am trying to get
it to do is to run though a web page. What I want to
happen is for the dates to be added by the sytem. The
first date would be todays date and the other date should
be todays date + 1.
This run off of one database but is using a few tables.
The strange thing with this is it was working for about a
day. Than I had to make a change to the page (added text)
and when I saved it something changed. I can't get it to
work again.
Here is the SQL.
select left(d.batchstartdatetime,11) as
ndercode,e.templatekey from debit d, envelope e where
d.batchstartdatetime>'8/5/2004' and
d.batchstartdatetime<'8/6/2004' and d.tendertypecode in
('ww','wg')and e.templatekey=1 and
d.batchstartdatetime=e.batchstartdatetime and
d.batchseqnum=e.batchseqnum and d.envelopeseq=e.envelopeseq
I know that this works in MS SQL. What I am trying to get
it to do is to run though a web page. What I want to
happen is for the dates to be added by the sytem. The
first date would be todays date and the other date should
be todays date + 1.
This run off of one database but is using a few tables.
The strange thing with this is it was working for about a
day. Than I had to make a change to the page (added text)
and when I saved it something changed. I can't get it to
work again.