
Hello MVPs and community! I need your recommendatins for a database that is
easy to design, install and manage on my FP2003 site soon to be online.
Started to work with but my OS is Win XP home and doesn't have IIS
installed. I have searched MS and and unable to find download for
IIS. Please advise your recommendations for a database format that fit above
criteria. Thanks, RJS


You cannot install IIS on WXPHome without resorting to hacks that I wouldn't
want to do.

Access would be the database for you most likely - what are you intending to
do with it?

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

IIS is not supported on Windows XP Home. Your best bet is to upgrade to XP


Thanks for your quick reply. Needs are for simple database user information
collection, edit, reports plus login UI. It would be nice to have the dynamic page interactivity features but I can live without it. The web matrix tool I downloaded seems easy to design in except for the
IIS issue. I can get XP Pro but not sure I want to go thru an OS re-install
and possib lose files, etc. The mysql 5.0 server I download appears too
complicated for me unless I downloaded the wrong tool. So, still need help in
choosing a database format. Thanks

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

You don't have to reinstall the OS to go from XP Home to XP Pro - it's an
upgrade. I've done it a number of times and never lost a thing.

John from Puget Sound

You also need to consider what your web host has available, whether SQL
Server, mySQL, Access or whatever. Often they charge more for DB access. Also
you could consider XML, or otherwise storing your data on local files, though
there certainly are problems with that.

Access is friendliest, but still more complex than FrontPage. Also is Access
threadsafe yet? I know it had problems scaling to very heavy usage not too
long ago.

- J


Hello MVPs and community! I need your recommendatins for a database that is
easy to design, install and manage on my FP2003 site soon to be online.
Started to work with but my OS is Win XP home and doesn't have IIS
installed. I have searched MS and and unable to find download for
IIS. Please advise your recommendations for a database format that fit above
criteria. Thanks, RJS

Access is easy if you must go with MS.
MySql is much easier than you think.
php is easy too.


Upgrade to XP Pro or find a host that supports FrontPage Extensions. The use
Access as it has some built in functionality with FrontPage.

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