Database Results page contains images from hyperlinks in database


Little Chuck

1. Does anybody know if FronPage can handle a hyperlink to an image that is
recorded in one database field, and publish in the DB results page the
corresponding image?

2. If yes, how can this be done?


Mike Mueller

It can be done, but I would stay away from it- images stored in DBs will
bloat it far more than the size of the image. Best thing to do in most cases
is to store a link to the image.

The only time I have seen it as the way to go is for portability and
security reasons.

To implement this, you will need custom coding.


If the images is on-line store the hyperlink and and when you import the
database include shell call to the right programme (whatever you have on your
hard drive that will handle the picture format).

If you want to store the actually picture you will have problems with the DB
becomeing very big very quick. You need to check with your provider what
size you can hold (how big can the DB be) before you do this. But this is
generally a mistake and you would be better storing just the hyperlink.

Little Chuck

I need to clarify this: What is recorded in the DB is not the image, but the

Little Chuck

But I have never gotten the image on the results page, just the string
corresponding to the hyperlink, i.e. "http:\\whatever\image.jpg"



I'm a bit lost with the basics of what you trying to do. Sorry.

I think ?? that you want either a user or some other how ? to get the hyper
link address of a picture (that is somewhere on the web).

If thats right

Then (again - if - you are using access) you could use an asp page with a
form on it - this way the wizard will create the DB for you and all the links
- after you have the DB created go into it (the DB) and alter the field
format to Hyperlink (it's at the bottom of the screen (in form desgin view).
This way you can store the hyperlink "as-is".

Next (after you hae the link in the DB you can either just click it to go to
the picture or display it in a form or a report. - don't forget that that you
DON't store the actual picture just the link.

If you really want to stroe the image - still not in the DB - then you will
need to code an event to save the picture on to a drive (it's not hard) but
if the picture is on the web and you just want t look at it then you don't
need to. Mind you it may be an idea to get the picture itself (in case it
get deleted from the web).

Use a simple module to run an import than update (to a table) then shell
call to a programme to open the picture (adobe or corel will do - or the very
"worst" optin even MS picture manager). Set the on-open event to autosave
the picture (define the path in the module or - if using corel (above 12)
then you can use the wizard to do it for you.


Thomas A. Rowe

Requires you to hand code the confirmation page to generate a image link.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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