Database Results Wizard Error


Doug Speer

I received the following error when using the Database Results Wizard
Database Results Wizard Error (with DEBUG set to True):

The database connection named 'BooksByTitle' is undefined.

"This problem can occur if:
* the connection has been removed from the web
* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors
* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled
* the web is not marked as an Application Root"

Regarding the error message:
The connection to the database is present and verified.
The file 'global.asa' is present but I do not know how to detect errors in
the file.
I do not know how to determine the status of the third and fourth bullets in
the error message.

My configuration is FrontPage 2003, Windows 2000, IIS 5.0, Access 97.
The database table has 5 columns and 560 rows. One column is ID autonumber;
the other 4 columns are text.

Upon executing the page the table column are displayed followed by the above
error message.

Please assist.


Jim Buyens

If you have access to the server via IIS Manager.

1. Use IIS manager to find the folder where your
FrontPage Web begins.
2. Right-click that folder and choose Properties.
3. Select the Directory, Virtual Directory, or Home
Directory tab. (Only one of these will be present.)
4. Make sure Applciation Name isn't dimmed. If it *is*
dimmed, click the Create button.

If you don't have access to the server via IIS Manager,
contact someone who does (i.e. your host).

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Doug Speer

In IIS properties I found the Application Name blank.

My directory structure is:
....\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
....\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631

wsc102618631 is web site imported from my web site host (1&1) where I
initially created it.

IIS recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site in the tree. wsc102618631 does not
appear in the Name list (but directories under wsc102618631 do).

FrontPage recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site (with a web site icon in the
file list).

In IIS I changed the Home directory to the following:
Local Path: ...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
Application Name: SPEERWEB
Starting Point: <SPEERWEB>

The web site works locally butI still get the same error that I reported in
the original post

In IIS Manager Properties I found the following in Server Extensions: "This
server has not been configured to use the Server Extensions. To configure,
choose Configure Server Extensions from the Task menu for this server." Upon
configuring server extensions, I received the following message: "Unable to
create a web for the URL"/" because its root directory,
"C:\Documents\Administrator\My Documents\My Web
Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631\", falls below the root of another web in the
directory "C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Web

It appears to me wsc102618631 directory must be recognized as the web site
(not the SPEERLIB folder) by both Front Page and IIS. If this is correct,
how can it be accomplished? If not correct, what actions do you suggest?


Jim Buyens said:
If you have access to the server via IIS Manager.

1. Use IIS manager to find the folder where your
FrontPage Web begins.
2. Right-click that folder and choose Properties.
3. Select the Directory, Virtual Directory, or Home
Directory tab. (Only one of these will be present.)
4. Make sure Applciation Name isn't dimmed. If it *is*
dimmed, click the Create button.

If you don't have access to the server via IIS Manager,
contact someone who does (i.e. your host).

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Thomas A. Rowe

If you are using IIS under Windows 2000 Pro or Windows XP Pro, it is most likely best to leave the
home directory under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ speerweb\ which you would then access via

To get the web into this location you would publish it to http://localhost/speerweb for the remote
server. This will treat /speerweb as a subweb of localhost.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Doug Speer said:
In IIS properties I found the Application Name blank.

My directory structure is:
...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631

wsc102618631 is web site imported from my web site host (1&1) where I
initially created it.

IIS recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site in the tree. wsc102618631 does not
appear in the Name list (but directories under wsc102618631 do).

FrontPage recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site (with a web site icon in the
file list).

In IIS I changed the Home directory to the following:
Local Path: ...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
Application Name: SPEERWEB
Starting Point: <SPEERWEB>

The web site works locally butI still get the same error that I reported in
the original post

In IIS Manager Properties I found the following in Server Extensions: "This
server has not been configured to use the Server Extensions. To configure,
choose Configure Server Extensions from the Task menu for this server." Upon
configuring server extensions, I received the following message: "Unable to
create a web for the URL"/" because its root directory,
"C:\Documents\Administrator\My Documents\My Web
Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631\", falls below the root of another web in the
directory "C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Web

It appears to me wsc102618631 directory must be recognized as the web site
(not the SPEERLIB folder) by both Front Page and IIS. If this is correct,
how can it be accomplished? If not correct, what actions do you suggest?


Jim Buyens

In order for a FrontPage database connection to work, the FrontPage
site and the IIS application have to start at the same folder. I
suspect that on your hosted server, they do not. You could check this
by downloading the ASP Self-Diagnosis Web Page from and running on your hosted
site. You'll probably find that Application, Application Root and
FrontPage, Current Web Site are different. My guess is that

o SPEERWEB is the start of your application
o SPEERWEB\wsc102618631 is the start of your FrontPage Web site.

If they *are* different, this is a problem because:

o FrontPage will store your database connection info in the
global.asa file in the root of your Web.

o IIS will run the copy of global.asa in the application root.

If your remote Web site has the FrontPage server extensions installed,
and you publish a Web site containing one or more database
the server extensions will automatically flag the remote Web site as
application. If that fails, you can correct it by opening the remote
site in FrontPage then opening and saving the connection information
(under tools, Site settings, Database).

In your case, however, the server extensions *aren't* installed, so
you (or an administrator) must flag the application manually in IIS

As to your problem applying the server extensions, it looks to me as
if you need to:

1. Move the wsc102618631 folder off to temp or whatever.
2. Apply the extensions.
3. Open the temp\wsc102618631 folder as a FrontPage Web site, and
publish it to or or whatever.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Doug Speer said:
In IIS properties I found the Application Name blank.

My directory structure is:
...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631

wsc102618631 is web site imported from my web site host (1&1) where I
initially created it.

IIS recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site in the tree. wsc102618631 does not
appear in the Name list (but directories under wsc102618631 do).

FrontPage recognizes \SPEERWEB as a web site (with a web site icon in the
file list).

In IIS I changed the Home directory to the following:
Local Path: ...\My Web Sites\SPEERWEB
Application Name: SPEERWEB
Starting Point: <SPEERWEB>

The web site works locally butI still get the same error that I reported in
the original post

In IIS Manager Properties I found the following in Server Extensions: "This
server has not been configured to use the Server Extensions. To configure,
choose Configure Server Extensions from the Task menu for this server." Upon
configuring server extensions, I received the following message: "Unable to
create a web for the URL"/" because its root directory,
"C:\Documents\Administrator\My Documents\My Web
Sites\SPEERWEB\wsc102618631\", falls below the root of another web in the
directory "C:\Documents And Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Web

It appears to me wsc102618631 directory must be recognized as the web site
(not the SPEERLIB folder) by both Front Page and IIS. If this is correct,
how can it be accomplished? If not correct, what actions do you suggest?


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