Database results Wizard with Search Field



I am using FP2003 pages to update a SQL2000 DB.
I used the DB Results Wizard to create a page displaying records adhering to
certain criteria - these criteria is used as a search field - thus only
displaying adhering records from the DB. This works fine with similar pages I
have already setup but now I can not create any .asp result pages working
with a search field. I get the following error message in the results area:
"Database Results Wizard Error
The operation failed. If this continues, please contact your server
If I remove the search field all the records from the table I am accessing
on the DB is displayed.
Is there a limitation in FP2003 on the number of .asp or .aspx pages taht
can be created and if not why I am getting these problems?

Kevin Spencer

What exactly are the criteria? Are you using a custom query? If so, what is
the SQL code? Otherwise, what are you searching on?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven


Hi Kevin

Thanks for your response...
The field I am searching on in the SQL DB is of data type numeric, a Index
Key and Auto Inceremental. I have created similar pages in FP2003 searching
on fileds with data type integer without problems, thus I have chnage the
search field in the SQL DB to data type bigint and it resolved the problem.
Looks like FP2003 has a problem searchng on fields in SQL2000 of data type


Sorry - problem with searching on fields in SQL2000 with data type numeric
not integer as previously mentioned.

Kathleen Anderson [MVP - FrontPage]

The FP2003 code has changed slightly. To see the true error, open the hidden
folder /_fpclass/ and edit the file

At about line 19, change :

fp_DEBUG = False

to :

fp_DEBUG = True


~ Kathleen Anderson
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Spider Web Woman Designs

Kevin Spencer

What is the field name? What did you put into the Wizard or custom query?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
The sun never sets on
the Kingdom of Heaven

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