database results



I've been having trouble getting my database working for a loooooonnngggg time. It's really frustrating me, i keep trying differant things and using the wizard. The wizard results do work and i put my database in the same folder for the correct permission and still no luck.
I am using frontpage 2003, I have a results page that wont show results and a forms page that wants me to save it as an .asp when i am using and now the server is encoutering errors while processing the database results. This is all very confussing to me. it might be time to throw the computer out the window.

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I've been having trouble getting my database working
for a loooooonnngggg time. It's really frustrating me,
i keep trying differant things and using the wizard.
The wizard results do work and i put my database in the
same folder for the correct permission and still no

Please define "no luck". What exact error message or
incorrect result do you get?
I am using frontpage 2003, I have a results page that
wont show results and a forms page that wants me to save
it as an .asp when i am using and now the server
is encoutering errors while processing the database
results. This is all very confussing to me. it might
be time to throw the computer out the window.

So, is the forms page working OK, then?

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)


Don't throw your computer out the window just yet. Can you email me with your code and a little more information about what db you are using etc.? I"ll see what I can do to help


Nicholas Malone

It's time to throw the Front Page extensions out the
window. I switched to an ASP enabled server and had to
strip out everything that is dependent on the FP
extensions. In technical terms, the extensions were
screwing up ASP! Luckily, I have an IT staff that could
program forms, etc. I could never get FP to publish to the
new server, either, I just copy the files over.
-----Original Message-----
I've been having trouble getting my database working for
a loooooonnngggg time. It's really frustrating me, i keep
trying differant things and using the wizard. The wizard
results do work and i put my database in the same folder
for the correct permission and still no luck.
I am using frontpage 2003, I have a results page that
wont show results and a forms page that wants me to save
it as an .asp when i am using and now the server
is encoutering errors while processing the database
results. This is all very confussing to me. it might be
time to throw the computer out the window.

Thomas A. Rowe

That is interesting, as all of my projects are ASP based, and the servers have FP2002 extensions
which allow me to publish or edit live. Sound more like a mis-configured web server.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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