Database sharing



Do I really need to split the database to share it?
Can't I put it in a share folder and then create shortcuts for it on the
computers that need to have access to it?

Douglas J. Steele

While it's possible to do what you're describing, it's a very bad idea.
Having multiple people open the same database increases the possibility of
database corrupting significantly. As well, having the application part of
the database (i.e. the forms, reports, macros and modules) on the server
increases the amount of network traffic, since all those objects need to be
copied to the workstation to be executed.

Splitting a database is a trivial exercise. I can't think of a legitimate
reason not to do it.


Thank you Douglas,
I was just wondering; and also sometimes, using the way I described in
sharing the database, if you click on one shortcut, it doesn't do nothing if
somebody else is already wokring on the database. Do you think that's
something to do with sharing the database without splitting it.

Thanks again.

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