My "At Your Survey" demo found at Roger Carlson's site,Duane will not
blow up anything. It doesn't use one field per question (shudder...) but
rather is normalized to allow you to create new surveys and questions
without modifying anything. I know at least church in Minnesota that used
AYS to survey their membership.
There are some sample reports in the demo that calculate percents and even
display pie charts for each statistical question.
At Your Survey is not built for web distribution. You could use the table
structure but screens, reports,... would need to be programmed in ASP,
ColdFusion, PHP, or other technology. I have given some thought to creating
this for web use but haven't found the time. It would probably be created
with ASP and SQL Server.
If you don't have web experience, you would probably be much better off
using one of the many on-line survey providers.