database surveys?


Gizelle Morris

At first I wondered how to design a database to take in the information we
obtain from a town survey. Now I am thinking it would be best to start with
the set up of the survey. If anyone has done large surveys where they will
need to manually enter survey results into Access, please let me know the
best way to set up the survey so results may be easily transferred to the


Bob Miller

I would produce a survey questionaire that has the statements/questions
in the left column and the answers in the left as checkboxes like
standardized computer scored test do. You can then assign a number
(for data entry) value to each answer e.g. None=0, a Few=1, Some=2,
Many=3, All=4.
In your db your table would have a record number and Question #1 as an
Integer between 0 and 4, Question #2 as an Integer between 0 and 4,
The db form would then have all the question numbers and either a box
to enter a number corresponding to the survey selection or an Option
Group with 5 check boxes that would select 0-4. You can then do your
math on the table anyway you want.
Hope this helps,

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