Database table & view



After I reverse engineered my database I have one sheet for the entire
database. I would like to create show the relationships for each table on an
individual sheet.

How do I reference all the tables in the table and view area?



Thank you for the inforamtion. I have already completed all those steps.

My first sheet contains all the tables and their relationships.
Unfortunately with the number of tables I have in the database it is not as
useful as I would like.

I started to make a seperate sheet for each table. I drag a table to a
blank sheet, then right click and select show releated tables.

After the 5th table I tried to record a macro to create the following
sheets. The macro did not show how to access the Table & View panel.

My goal is to write VBA code to select each table, put the table on a new
sheet, show releated tables, and as the last step re-layout the sheet.



The datamodeler is a closed solution (part of the data is in a proprietary
format internal to the tool) with no published api. By design they sometimes
cripple the ability of the macro recorder to capture the calls to the addin.

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