Database variable



That would appear to be the answer but I have the all the
availible DAO libraries checked and I still get an error
saying it doesn't recognise the "database" variable. I'll
try again though. Thanks.


John Vinson

That would appear to be the answer but I have the all the
availible DAO libraries checked and I still get an error
saying it doesn't recognise the "database" variable. I'll
try again though. Thanks.

You should have only ONE checked (or it will get majorly confused).
Also if *any* library is shown as MISSING, all the *other* libraries
will get variously messed up. Fix your Missing references, if any, and
just check the most recent DAO reference (unless you know that you
need an earlier one for a specific purpose).


And further to John's information, you may need to qualify your DAO objects,
like this:

dim db as DAO.database, rs as DAO.recordset, etc.
^^^^^ ^^^^^

That depends on what libraries are selected & in what order they appear. It
might or might not be required in your case. You can do no harm by coding as
above, even when it is not required.


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